

Vivian Shao

專長 / Expertise

Vivian Shao專注於半導體產業及電信產業中高階研發,管理人員的招募工作,曾為半導體、IC設計及電信等相關外資與民營企業提供專業招聘服務,包括技術(軟/硬體)專家、高階研發工程師、工廠廠長、執行總經理等技術職位。深諳整個招聘流程,包括業務開發、人才尋訪、甄選、面試、職位洽談等等。

Vivian Shao is dedicated to the recruitment of middle management and senior executives in high-tech industries and professional services. Specializes in serving the recruitment needs of global and local technology companies in Semi, IC design, telecom industries and professional services. She has been successfully placed candidates in roles including of RD Manager, Engineer, General Manager, S/W, H/W developer Architect and other technical positions.

Well-versed in the entire recruiting process including business development, candidate sourcing, screening, interviewing, and offer negotiation.

背景 / Background

在進入獵頭行業之前,Vivian Shao曾在前100大知名半導體公司工作,熟悉高科技產業:半導體製程、製造,及IC設計研發相關的專業知識。

Prior to joining the executive search industries, Vivian Shao has been worked in the famous semiconductor company for over ten years. Experienced in all Semi and Telecomm industry.


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